Monday, 3 November 2008

Randy Clark in UK!

Randy Clark will be coming to Southampton on Saturday November 22nd. For one night only we have the privilege of welcoming one of the great revivalists of our time to our City. Randy was used by God back in 1994 to be a catalyst for what was dubbed in the popular press as the ‘Toronto Blessing’ and that outpouring has continued to touch millions of lives since then. Randy’s inspirational teaching, healing ministry, impartation, words of life and courage have launched thousands of nameless and faceless followers of Jesus out into the market place and into the mission fields. Some of those are now a little more “well known” because of the impact they have had in their mission fields. Heidi Baker for example has planted over 10,000 churches in Mozambique and now travels a third of her time teaching and inspiring others, Leif Hetland - a Baptist minister from Norway was thrust into the mission field and has seen over 500,000 Muslims make commitments to Jesus and he also now travels the world teaching and training others to go.

Many people, and I include myself, have been significantly impacted by the work of the Holy Spirit through this humble yet compelling man of God. I first heard Randy in Toronto at the ‘Catch the Fire 10 Years On’ Conference. He was one of several speakers giving testimony to the fruit from the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Toronto since ‘94. It was stunning to hear so many remarkable stories of grace, restoration and the miraculous and witness the power of God moving amongst thousands of people. Randy has significantly been used by God for ‘Impartation’ - just as Moses was instructed to gather 70 men to help him to carry the burden of the people in Numbers 11 and in the same way God took of the anointing that was on Moses and placed it upon the 70, He has used Randy to lay hands on thousands of people who have taken that spark of anointing and gifting and stepped out in faith and courage to pursue the commission of Jesus with signs and wonders following.

Personal Testimony
When Randy prayed for me in Toronto I had one of the most deeply impacting spiritual experiences of my life following that moment. I was shaken I was impacted by the fire and energy of the Spirit and found myself on my hands and knees for almost an hour weeping as waves of the Holy Spirit swept through my body over and over again. It’s hard to put into words the profound impression of moments like that. I had been on a passionate pursuit of God for many months prior to this and met Him in a way I had not expected or experienced before.
I had been in renewal meetings back in the 90’s and was aware of what happens when we give the Holy Spirit room to breathe the breath of Heaven upon us, the laughter, the joy, the refreshing, the healing, but this encounter with heaven was incredibly powerful and did something in my heart and my spirit that changed me. I believe it was born out of a desperation in my heart for more, more of the God I read about in my Bible more of the experiences I have heard about in other parts of the word and more of a compelling desire to be used by Him to demonstrate the kingdom that Jesus spoke of in all it’s fullness.

As I followed after the signs and wonders I have found them following me as I step out in faith and boldness and preach an authentic gospel of salvation, healing and wholeness. Shortly after my ‘Toronto Experience’ I was on a mission trip to the Philippines with a minister friend of mine. After preaching a message on Jesus showing the full extent of his love to the church I invited any who were sick to come forward for prayer. That was something I didn’t usually do at that time and when I looked up there were 20 people in front of me. I went up to the first one with my interpreter asked what was wrong and prayed as simple prayer, the person was instantly healed, I was as surprised as they were! So I asked them to tell the church what Jesus had just done to give Him the Glory and moved along the line. One after another each of the people who came forward were instantly healed and each time they shared testimony and each time the faith in the room rose and expectancy released more of His glory on these lovely people. I saw carpel tunnel healed, varicose veins disappear, a man with 20% vision in one eye have his sight completely restored and two young men give their lives to Jesus after seeing the healings!
This was it!
The kind of demonstration of ‘here on earth as it is in heaven’ I had been praying and longing for! This time I had the privilege of it being my hand on the head of someone desperate for a touch from God. They had no health plan, no national health service; they needed a supernatural intervention in their lives.
God showing His nature to a hurting people.
Before the impartation I had never moved in healing and miracles in such a way, I had seen so few make commitments to my Jesus, but I had a boldness and a confidence not there before, what I had seen demonstrated I was then doing, through the grace and power of the Holy Spirit. The spark in me has since jumped to many other hearts and we regularly minister and pray for the provision of the kingdom.
Just a few days ago in America I saw God perform some heavenly ‘ chiropracty’ on a woman who had severe back problems and scoliosis for over 20 years. Her back was adjusted under the hand of her husband as I prayed a prayer of faith and the power of the Spirit was released. She left pain free and mobile in a way she couldn’t remember, inspired to share her testimony with a church who don’t encourage the gifts or operation of the Holy Spirit but the very gift of the Holy Spirit to her was unmistakably God. His nature on display to His children because He loves us!

Alun Leppitt
Pastor, Bridge Christian Fellowship

Randy comes to Southampton in advance of the Global Awakening School of Healing and Impartation we have planned here on 22-25 April 2009. If you are looking for a biblical basis for healing or some foundation truths to this faith of ours, then I urge you to find the time to be with us in April. The subheading for this event is Revival Phenomina and Impartation and we will be joined by Bill Johnson and Leif Hetland as conference speakers. In my humble opinion 3 of the most excellent teachers I have heard in over 26 years. This will be a practical as well as a theory event so expect to be touched, inspired and used. More information can be found on the Bridge or Global Awakening website.

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What's it all about?

God is pouring out His glory on the world, there are reports of healing - blind eyes seeing, deaf ears hearing, lame walking and dead people waking up!

This is a significant move of God as His glory becomes more and more intense in these days; and is the same fire that came to the disciples at Pentecost. Expect miracles to become common-place, everyday occurrences. Receive what God is doing - right now. It is freely given. Some blessings require hard-graft, fasting, striving. For this, you simply need to come to the fire and get in amongst the flames.

Bridge Christian Fellowship started hosting regular healing breakthrough meetings in Southampton on 12th May 2008 after Alun & Donna Leppitt visited the Florida Outpouring meetings in Lakeland. In 3 short weeks we outgrew our venue and were offered the use of Central Hall by Billy Kennedy and the team at New Community. These meetings are in the City for the City.

God is moving in the earth in powerful ways and we are thrilled to be a part of what He is doing in these days. Come and join the worship as we raise our praises to God. Come and be healed. Come get right with God. Share your stories of what God is doing. This is the news that will be making the headlines!

On this site, you will find details of upcoming meetings and testimonies - accounts of what God is doing in His people - in THIS city of Southampton. Every testimony is a declaration of what God has done and an invitation for God to do it again.

Please be encouraged to share your Testimonies and send your Prayer Requests. Sharing testimonies builds faith, because faith comes by hearing; they encourage us. So please be aware that if you submit a testimony that it will be posted upon this site, and will be shared amongst many people. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, then please state it in your email. Prayer requests will not be published here.

In these days we are witnessing transformation by the fire and power of the Holy Spirit. God's amazing grace and mercy is manifest amongst us and people are being healed, delivered and set free. In his presence His unchanging love is touching hearts and lives, through passionate worship and encounter.

Everywhere Jesus went He called people to change the way they think because the Kingdom of God is at hand. We believe that Kingdom is right here, right now and our role is to demonstrate it through a life lived with passion and purpose. Our heart's desire is to follow Jesus, to become like Him and do the stuff He did.

So, "all who are thirsty, come to the waters..." (Isaiah 55)

Bridge Christian Fellowship is a member of Randy Clark’s apostolic network of Global Awakening and the Southampton Christian Network.