From a stable in Bethlehem
A followers of Jesus, we celebrate Christmas because of Emmanuel – which means He is with us, we celebrate because the Light of the World came to us so many years ago... God came near.
It is the season to be jolly because more than at any other time, we think of Jesus, more than in any other season His name is on our lips – the magical dust of Christmas glitters on the cheeks of humanity, ever so briefly – as for a few precious moments we look into the light of a Bethlehem stable and He is truly seen. ‘Come and behold Him..’ we sing – and all across the globe voices will ring out with carols old and new to offer Him praise.
Christmas is a time when for a moment it can be a little easier to imagine a world put right, when hope is rekindled for the peace and goodwill we associate with the best of the Christmas season to become a reality for everyone.
But today though, much of mankind overlooks the significance of what transpired 2,000 years ago...
God became a baby.
The birth of a child, maybe unremarkable in human standards, but by God’s standard it’s something utterly profound, every life is a miracle of creation and the birth of Jesus was truly miraculous. The hovering, life giving power of the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and she became pregnant with the Way, the Truth and the Life!
Jesus was in his lifetime both fully human and wholly God.
The omnipotent became breakable.
He who had been Spirit became pierceable.
He who sustains the world with a Word chose to be dependant on the nourishment of a young girl.
A sleepy carpenter and a peasant girl heard his first cries, no silky wrappings and palace bedroom for this Prince of Peace, but rough strips of cloth to wrap him and calloused, dirty and un-manicured hands held him.
If the shepherds hadn’t come there would have been no reception. If it wasn’t for an unusual star in the heavens there would have been no gifts from the group of star gazing wise men.
And this special baby’s first lullaby was sung by a choir of the heavenly host, though with all the racket I guess he didn’t sleep much that first night!
There in a smelly stable a teenage girl stares at her little bundle and knows she is holding God. Majesty in the midst of the mundane. As Mary changed God’s nappy angels watched the mystery of God’s plan to save humanity unfold before their eyes. The Almighty learnt to walk, talk, run and play. He was completely divine, but completely human.
Jesus grew up in a small village, argued theology with the scribes and the teachers in the temple where he regularly went to worship. He learnt how to work with his hands from his earthly Dad as he learnt the mission for those hands from Abba Father, his heavenly Dad. Hands that cut timber and carved doors would one day open blind eyes and heal the sick. Those hands that flung stars into space would one day be pierced for all the things we have ever done wrong.
He knew the daily struggles of humanity and would feel everything you and I have ever felt. Like being weak and weary, hungry and thirsty, afraid of failure, being hurt by friends, and though He knew laughter and joy, He also knew sadness and sorrow, He was tempted and He was betrayed.
The Son of God became the Son of Man, so that the son’s of men could become the Son’s of God. God walked the earth so we would know how to walk like him. How to be like him and how to do the same things that He did.
What it must have been like to be a shepherd on that that cold hillside and witness the Angel of the Lord appearing? The radiance of the Lords Glory shining and the heaven’s aglow with the light and sound of the choir of angels singing ‘Glory to God in the Highest’! And to have seen that star which lit a shining path for the wise men to visit the King of Kings in Bethlehem?
There is still light shining in that Bethlehem stable today.
Jesus, the Light of the World can bring light into your life.
2,000 years ago your heavenly Dad hung a gift on a tree for you. Your name is on that gift, written in ruby red. It is a gift without compare and without price, a gift like no other.
It is a gift of freedom, it is a gift of grace, it is a gift life and of love.
The wonder of it all is that when we meet Jesus our emptiness is filled, our broken hearts are bound up, our lives are changed and transformed from one glory to another glory as we begin the journey to fullness in Him. Healing and wholeness comes and we find a friend like no other, a big brother who will stand with you and beat down the bullies, He is my protector my lamp and my shield He is my fortress and I will not be shaken! Jesus will never, ever leave us or let us down.
And so may the peace of this Lord & Saviour, Jesus, be with each of us this Christmas Season.
Merry Christmas & a blessed and prosperous New Year to all!
And as Tiny Tim would say….? “God Bless Us Every One!”
Alun Leppitt (December 2008)
Saturday, 20 December 2008
From A Stable in Bethlehem
Monday, 3 November 2008
Randy Clark in UK!
Randy Clark will be coming to Southampton on Saturday November 22nd. For one night only we have the privilege of welcoming one of the great revivalists of our time to our City. Randy was used by God back in 1994 to be a catalyst for what was dubbed in the popular press as the ‘Toronto Blessing’ and that outpouring has continued to touch millions of lives since then. Randy’s inspirational teaching, healing ministry, impartation, words of life and courage have launched thousands of nameless and faceless followers of Jesus out into the market place and into the mission fields. Some of those are now a little more “well known” because of the impact they have had in their mission fields. Heidi Baker for example has planted over 10,000 churches in Mozambique and now travels a third of her time teaching and inspiring others, Leif Hetland - a Baptist minister from Norway was thrust into the mission field and has seen over 500,000 Muslims make commitments to Jesus and he also now travels the world teaching and training others to go.
Many people, and I include myself, have been significantly impacted by the work of the Holy Spirit through this humble yet compelling man of God. I first heard Randy in Toronto at the ‘Catch the Fire 10 Years On’ Conference. He was one of several speakers giving testimony to the fruit from the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Toronto since ‘94. It was stunning to hear so many remarkable stories of grace, restoration and the miraculous and witness the power of God moving amongst thousands of people. Randy has significantly been used by God for ‘Impartation’ - just as Moses was instructed to gather 70 men to help him to carry the burden of the people in Numbers 11 and in the same way God took of the anointing that was on Moses and placed it upon the 70, He has used Randy to lay hands on thousands of people who have taken that spark of anointing and gifting and stepped out in faith and courage to pursue the commission of Jesus with signs and wonders following.
Personal Testimony
When Randy prayed for me in Toronto I had one of the most deeply impacting spiritual experiences of my life following that moment. I was shaken I was impacted by the fire and energy of the Spirit and found myself on my hands and knees for almost an hour weeping as waves of the Holy Spirit swept through my body over and over again. It’s hard to put into words the profound impression of moments like that. I had been on a passionate pursuit of God for many months prior to this and met Him in a way I had not expected or experienced before.
I had been in renewal meetings back in the 90’s and was aware of what happens when we give the Holy Spirit room to breathe the breath of Heaven upon us, the laughter, the joy, the refreshing, the healing, but this encounter with heaven was incredibly powerful and did something in my heart and my spirit that changed me. I believe it was born out of a desperation in my heart for more, more of the God I read about in my Bible more of the experiences I have heard about in other parts of the word and more of a compelling desire to be used by Him to demonstrate the kingdom that Jesus spoke of in all it’s fullness.
As I followed after the signs and wonders I have found them following me as I step out in faith and boldness and preach an authentic gospel of salvation, healing and wholeness. Shortly after my ‘Toronto Experience’ I was on a mission trip to the Philippines with a minister friend of mine. After preaching a message on Jesus showing the full extent of his love to the church I invited any who were sick to come forward for prayer. That was something I didn’t usually do at that time and when I looked up there were 20 people in front of me. I went up to the first one with my interpreter asked what was wrong and prayed as simple prayer, the person was instantly healed, I was as surprised as they were! So I asked them to tell the church what Jesus had just done to give Him the Glory and moved along the line. One after another each of the people who came forward were instantly healed and each time they shared testimony and each time the faith in the room rose and expectancy released more of His glory on these lovely people. I saw carpel tunnel healed, varicose veins disappear, a man with 20% vision in one eye have his sight completely restored and two young men give their lives to Jesus after seeing the healings!
This was it!
The kind of demonstration of ‘here on earth as it is in heaven’ I had been praying and longing for! This time I had the privilege of it being my hand on the head of someone desperate for a touch from God. They had no health plan, no national health service; they needed a supernatural intervention in their lives.
God showing His nature to a hurting people.
Before the impartation I had never moved in healing and miracles in such a way, I had seen so few make commitments to my Jesus, but I had a boldness and a confidence not there before, what I had seen demonstrated I was then doing, through the grace and power of the Holy Spirit. The spark in me has since jumped to many other hearts and we regularly minister and pray for the provision of the kingdom.
Just a few days ago in America I saw God perform some heavenly ‘ chiropracty’ on a woman who had severe back problems and scoliosis for over 20 years. Her back was adjusted under the hand of her husband as I prayed a prayer of faith and the power of the Spirit was released. She left pain free and mobile in a way she couldn’t remember, inspired to share her testimony with a church who don’t encourage the gifts or operation of the Holy Spirit but the very gift of the Holy Spirit to her was unmistakably God. His nature on display to His children because He loves us!
Alun Leppitt
Pastor, Bridge Christian Fellowship
Randy comes to Southampton in advance of the Global Awakening School of Healing and Impartation we have planned here on 22-25 April 2009. If you are looking for a biblical basis for healing or some foundation truths to this faith of ours, then I urge you to find the time to be with us in April. The subheading for this event is Revival Phenomina and Impartation and we will be joined by Bill Johnson and Leif Hetland as conference speakers. In my humble opinion 3 of the most excellent teachers I have heard in over 26 years. This will be a practical as well as a theory event so expect to be touched, inspired and used. More information can be found on the Bridge or Global Awakening website.
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Pressing Through
'Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing...' (Heb 10:25)
The writer in Hebrews encourages us to gather together to celebrate the great High priest who by His once and for all sacrifice has made us holy by the washing of His blood. "who may ascend the Hill of the Lord...?" We can, because we have clean hands and a pure heart! 'Because by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. (Heb10:14) Nothing to stop us, nothing to separate us and if God is for you then the only thing stopping you is you!
There are no more curtains, there is nothing between us and God. Because of the finished work of Jesus we can go boldly into the throne room of grace accepted, forgiven and set free by His precious blood sacrifice. 'Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you' that is the promise of scripture and whilst God is everywhere I believe He is also somewhere, and He is searching the earth for those that truly love Him.
He is interested in intimacy.
What is stopping us? Our hearts are sprinkled and cleansed, our bodies washed with pure water we know He loves us. So let's experience that love in all it's fullness because a heart motivated and full of love can do extraordinary things, I have found that God loves to do the extraordinary in the everyday and ordinary places. The coffee shops the supermarkets, all opportunities for a demonstration of the kingdom. And we all qualify because we are all chosen.
As we give time to receive His love we are transformed from one glory, to another glory, to another glory...
I don't know about you? But, I am a work in progress, I am being shaped and moulded by a Master Craftsman, it seems the softer I become the easier it is for Him to make me the way He wants me. Though we are unfinished business, I know God is in the habit of finishing what He started. I have found that God does not reveal His heart in hurried encounters and it's the encounter that changes us, what we behold we become like, so come and behold Him...
What I have seen I can't 'un-see', what I have experienced I can't 'un-experience'. Seeing a lady dancing in celebration in the evening when in the morning when I first met her she was being assisted to her seat crippled with cerebral palsy. Seeing a milky white orb becoming clearer as sight returns to a blind eye, seeing a deaf person receive their hearing and seeing the broken hearted being bound up as God's extravagant love floods through a persons being and through floods of tears mourning becomes rejoicing.
I am so thankful for what I've seen, for the privilege of the occasions when It's been my hand resting on the head of the person being set free, when I have witnessed the manifestation of the promise written on the pages of my bible. We have seen some wonderful things over the last 20 weeks of Monday Night Meetings and we have prayed for literally thousands of hungry and needy, passionate and deperate. All the prayer ministry teams have stories and testimonies of how wonderful it is to join in with the ministry of Jesus as hearts and lives are dramatically touched and changed. Some things have happened in an instant and some things have been gradual, but not one prayer is wasted and we give Glory to Jesus for all that he is doing through us and our willingness to say yes.
Because 'you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.' (Acts10:38) Jesus went and so should we. We are keeping going, we are pressing through towards the prize and with our faces set like flint we are determined to see His Kingdom come here on earth just as it is in heaven. To seek His face and his perfect presence.
And if we can return to Hebrews to round of this post, from verse 24 'And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another...'
People have undiscovered's our job to prophecy them into fulfilment.
Alun Leppitt,
Pastor, Bridge Christian Fellowship
We have two more meetings scheduled before Christmas - Monday 10th November at Central Baptist Church and a special Healing Celebration with Randy Clark on SATURDAY 22nd November back at Central Hall. Both evenings start at 7.30 doors open at 7.00.
Thursday, 4 September 2008
What is God saying to the City of Southampton? Part 1
After a summer of lot's of rain, (well we have been calling for it!) the ground is soft lush and green. Not many suntans around this year, unless of course you took a break abroad, but there have been those following the Son! There has been momentum building in Southampton as christians in the city have continued to gather and pray and do the stuff of the kingdom - on the City walls, half nights of prayer, many salvation's at 'Dip Week' on the flowers estate, 24-7 prayer/outreach week next door to the Holyrood Estate touching the lives of the young people there and Outpouring Meetings continued through August back at Central Baptist Church, to name but a few.
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Tune into Freedom FM on 87.9 FM - a new Christian Radio Station for Southampton
If you haven't already heard; a Christian music station has recently set up for Southampton. It's aim is to attract the unchurched youth, broadcasting Christian dance music and proclaiming Jesus.
It has a month pilot run on the airwaves until 6th Sept.
Phil and Liam, who are running it, are supported by Bob and Collette Light on the Flowers Estate (Flower of Justice outreach) and are running the station from the tower of St. Albans church on Tulip Road, thanks to the kindness of Revd. Gary Philbrick and his congregation - another great example of local Christians working together to spread the light of the gospel!
Do call the studio on 07944 137093 with your comments, requests, dedications, etc. - Phil and Liam would be glad of your support and prayers.
If all goes well with the temporary licence, then they would like to get a permanent licence for a Christian radio station in Southampton.
Thursday, 31 July 2008
There's now a podcast for the Healing & Breakthrough meetings.
That talking that you're hearing right now is that podcast.
This digital audio is subscrib-able, download-able, generally listen-able - and hopefully enjoy-able. So when you come back to this site the latest episode of the podcast will begin to stream right before your very ears. It is pausable using the media player in the 'Podcast' section on the right-hand column.
You can, from the 'Podcast' section, click one of two links (or both if you're feeling completist) to subscribe to the podcast using the iTunes store, or download the latest episode from From you'll also be able to subscribe to the RSS feed (another way of subscribing to the podcast) - which you can point your RSS reader at, like Google reader or something.
Hope that all of that makes sense to you. Please keep on sending your prayer requests and testimonies using the links on the right-hand column. And don't forget that the meetings will be held on Sunday evenings at Central Baptist Church throughout August.
Monday, 21 July 2008
The old ones are the best ones!
What is it about 'Light of the World'?
When it was first put out into the world as a song that Christians ought to be singing it caught the attention of everyone. It became this song that everyone, everywhere was singing - even in those churches that still grip a 'Mission Praise' today (which I personnaly love!)
Like 'My Jesus, My Saviour', 'Heart of Worship', and 'Shine, Jesus Shine' - 'Light of the World' has this uncanny habit of getting congregations belting things out at the top of their lungs! It's a simple song, with words that are often easy to sing and agree with. It's a great declamatory song - Jesus came down to earth and died for us! - It's truth all the way through. And when it gets sung these days it's not because it's the flavour of the month, and it isn't like it's being sung every week either. So when it was sung on Monday 21st it struck a chord - it resonated with heaven.
When the band finished playing the song and the instruments faded away, the congregation continued to sing - letting out their praises. Some continuing to use the chorus, others proclaiming God's goodness, mercy, love - others simply using tongues to praise God! This atmosphere of sound, of praise was thick with the presence of God (to my ears it sounded as though there were far more voices in the sound than merely the people gathered).
Donna Leppitt acknowledged the presence of God - it was not a presence we wanted to leave particularly quickly. It is, though, a presence that has been at all of these meetings - as people have been healed during the worship, as people have felt at ease to express their worship without any hint of self-consciousness.
It is a presence we need to press in to - to make ourselves aware of. Sometimes we get hot, or shiver, or shake, or just stand transfixed, or have compelling urge to get on the floor, or lift our hands. This isn't about that-bit-in-the-song-where-we-stick-our-arms-up - but it is about the BIT of the song where we stick our arms up! Not a conditioned response to the song - but rather that almost indescribable urge to physically react. That's God moving, it's God's presence - thick in the atmosphere. When the Israelites were out in the desert we read accounts of the presence of God falling so thick that people fell facedown, sometimes so thick that it was visible as a cloud.
Get used to knowing the presence of God in that way - and when it comes - press in!
These meetings have been about worship - in Spirit and Truth - about praising God Almighty with a cry that says, 'Your Kingdom come and Your will be done'.
As it is now the summer holiday season the Monday meetings will be stopping in Central Hall. During August outpouring and breakthrough meetings will be hosted by Bridge Christian Fellowship at Central Baptist on Devonshire Road - from 7:00pm on Sundays. The Monday nights at Central Hall will resume in September.
Also, keep your eyes on the blog as audio will soon be available from the meetings. These will include some of the talks and prayers from Monday nights. These will be available as a podcast - which you will be able to subscribe to through the iTunes store. More information will be available once the audio turns up......
Friday, 18 July 2008
Maintaining Perspective
Joel Edwards (General Director of the Evangelical Alliance) wrote an open letter (10/06/08) including some pointers and advice regarding the events in Florida. Since it has stirred such great debate it is necessary to maintain perspective rather than be side-tracked with details that tend to lead towards judgement and argument. These pointers may be useful to you:
Dear Colleagues in Christ,
I suspect that many of you have watched with interest the recent
developments in Lakeland, Florida. Unusual things have been taking place in
Todd Bentley’s church, and they now seem to be spreading to other parts of
the world, including the UK.
I’ve spoken to a number of our members who are overjoyed at what they
perceive to be the latest outpouring of God’s spirit. Others, though, have
expressed their concern at what is happening and particularly the kind of
appeals that have been made on TV and the Internet.
Inevitably, all of this reminds me of the struggles we all had at the
Alliance at the time of Toronto. And I simply don’t yet know how I feel
about all that is going on in Florida. There are aspects that make me
rejoice, and others that make me uneasy. However, at the time of Toronto, I
drew up the following list of principles that it seems to me have enduring
relevance. I share them again with you now so that together we can remain
united around our one common cause: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
1. Evangelicals should make every effort to measure all spiritual phenomena
by Biblical criteria. In every case, the devotional hallmarks of holiness,
prayer and witness provide reliable indicators of authentic moves of God.
2. We also acknowledge that the current phenomenon is not new. During the
eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries revivals associated
with respected figures such as Jonathan Edwards, Wesley, Whitefield and the
Jeffreys were also characterised by unusual events which attracted
controversy and blessings.
3. We rejoice with those who testify to a deeper level of commitment and joy
as a result of their experience but would equally urge them to avoid
excessive behaviour which may discredit the Gospel or distance those who
genuinely seek an encounter with God.
4. Whilst we would caution against indiscriminate enthusiasm, we would
equally urge Evangelicals to avoid preclusive or condemnatory behaviour
which dismisses all unusual events out of hand.
5. Finally, we would advocate the Gamaliel principle; if the phenomenon is
genuinely of God it will certainly bear lasting fruit.
Evangelical Alliance Preliminary Statement on the Toronto Blessing (1994)
In addition, Jonathan Edwards’ reflections on the kind of tests we should
use in evaluating any apparent movement of God remain valuable.
Does it raise people’s estimation of Jesus Christ?
Does it operate against the interests of Satan?
Does it lead to a greater regard for Scripture and truth?
Does it result in a greater awareness of and seriousness about the things of
Does it lead to a greater love for God, for other Christians and for the
wider world?
Finally, as Luke makes clear, the purpose of God pouring out his Spirit on
the day of Pentecost was not so much to give the disciples a wonderful
experience, but rather to empower them in mission. Whatever we make of
events in Florida, the most important thing is that we retain our focus on
our joint mission to reach this nation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Whatever else, let us keep that at the forefront of everything we do.
Every Blessing
Joel Edwards – General Director, Evangelical Alliance
Friday, 11 July 2008
Open Invitation
This Monday we have a special guest from Lakeland Vineyard, Florida; Kristina Collins, who is the founder and creative director of At His Feet Ministries. Kristina has been with Alun and Donna and the members of Bridge since Wednesday and they will testify to her anointing. The sheer energy and freedom that comes from her, the Fire, the Passion - it's engaging and enjoyable. An incredibly creative and expressive woman, she will be travelling to Neath this weekend, with Alun and the Bridge worship team to impart God's outpouring to the people - and then will join with us on Monday evening. Expect great things as God is surely with her.
A notice regarding the summer meetings: During August the healing and outpouring meetings will be moving back to Central Baptist Church and to Sunday evenings, from 7:00pm. God is doing amazing things with His church in Southampton - particularly evident is how the churches have come together and unified their worship - our petty differences mean nothing now. They never did, but for whatever reason they kept us apart - and God has had enough. So we'll continue to meet during the holidays and then on into September - when the meetings will return to Central Hall.
And in other news.....
It seems that if you do a search including the words, 'Lakeland', 'revival', 'healing',
you get the God TV site, Todd Bentley's site - and then a whole bunch of blogs and other such pages dismissing the whole thing as hype, demonic - well - anything other than God really.
The people that have written this stuff have really done some research, they've really poured over scripture; they've scrutinised every word spoken by Todd since he first started appearing in YouTube videos. They will begin their critique by mentioning the Toronto blessing through the Pensacola revival up to the present goings on in Lakeland. And it seems to be that many of these people have not been to any of these meetings, don't know Todd or any of his team personally and have watched all of the emerging coverage with a pre-determined will to scrutinise it.
And they are within their rights to do so - after all, we are urged to test what we hear from preachers and the like. However, be encouraged to get along to these meetings and see for yourselves - come with an open and expectant mind - unbelief, a will set against God - will invariably see you finding all the holes and problems and not engage with Heavenly Father
Here's an analogy that may help: Musicians... sometimes to hear them speak is like hearing some strange language. A classically trained orchestral player could describe the mellifluous melodies and rich textures employed by Debussy to evoke emotion, whereas a scientifically minded musician could explain why certain frequencies combined with others, at certain intervals, with specific timbral qualities can evoke the same emotions.
The terminology they use is different, their conclusion is the same - music can evoke emotion. Just ask any Damien Rice wannabe.
What's the point? - Mis-quoting someone and saying they're unbiblical isn't much help if you don't subscribe to their descriptive method. Todd Bentley refers to things like 'the third heaven' and to spiritual experience involving fire, and wind and bright lights and shaking. The concept of a third heaven, to some is now an obsolete term of phrase that, when the Bible was written, was based on the understanding that above the earth were crystaline spheres that held the sky above us, the stars above that, and somewhere outside of that, there was God. We know now that there aren't crystaline spheres. But Todd uses it to conjure an image in people's minds. His descriptions of his spiritual experiences may bear significant resemblance to alien abductions (as some have suggested) - but he is simply using the words he has to explain them - it's a type of language that would vary from person to person.
You may have read this far and be wondering why all this stuff has been written. Simply this, the outpouring of God's glory in Lakeland is being handled in a certain way - this method annoys people, seemingly as much as it draws them in. The outpouring of God's glory here in Southampton is also being handled a certain way. In no way is it a case of the Lakeland outpouring in Southampton. It IS the Southampton outpouring. Specific to the city - all from the same God.
This is clear from the meetings we've been having. As I'm sure anyone who has been, there is an atmosphere of the presence of God during the meetings, and a palpable presence of change in the city, and it doesn't look like the Lakeland meetings.
These Southampton meetings have drawn together churches from across the city - in massive numbers - this simply didn't happen two months ago. But, as was shared at last Monday's meeting by Chris Davis - this stuff - all of this brilliant stuff that is going on has got to get out on to the streets. It has to start impacting the city, lives changed. A few weeks ago the Life Church crew were out spreading the gospel in Palmerston Park. People were healed, people were saved. We all have that responsibility - if we truly want to steward this outpouring, this great time of blessing and healing, into a full-scale revival - then we need to be prepared to say 'YES' to God - and run with it - get out there and tell people.
So, there concludes this rather lengthy post (which should make up for the rather silent couple of weeks); and with that conclusion there is simply this: Invite anyone and everyone to these meetings. Bring the unchurched, the lost and the broken, but also bring your skeptics and synics - urge them to come and see for themselves rather than basing their opinion on what they read on the internet. (which, hopefully, doesn't discount this post!)
Blessings and Peace to you all!
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Park Life: Friday and Saturday round-up
Friday lunchtime's meeting presented 6 more salvations - which is truly fantastic.
And the evening had 5 more.
Saturday lunchtime saw another 5 people coming to know Father God, and then Saturday evening brought 1 more. And there was also a person healed of severe head-aches.
Praise God. His mercy and love endure forever. The Bible tells us there is a party in heaven when someone comes to God. And we see it in the 'Prodigal Son' story - there is a great party when the son returns.
So let us celebrate these new brothers and sisters in faith. Pray for them as they get to know their Father, and that they would find a church family to be a part of.
There's a genuine hunger for God amongst the people of Southampton, and this week Life Church have been meeting them in the centre of town. This isn't about numbers. It isn't a statistics game. The numbers are only offered here to give note to the fact that when people hear the gospel - they respond. This is a proof that people are wanting more than life has previously offered. People want to know Father God - the Father who sent His Son to die in our place, to pay the price for our sin. And why? - So that He could have relationship with us, so that we wouldn't have to be bound in a religious observance in countering the consequences of sin. In Jesus' sacrifice God's wrath was fully satisfied. In Jesus' resurrection we can know God, the still-small voice and the mighty thunder, we can know HIM. Personally.
Friday, 20 June 2008
Park Life: Thursday Update
Two meetings were held down in Palmerston Park at the Band Stand, one at 12 noon, and one at 8 in the evening.
At the lunchtime meeting there were two people who responded to the gospel message. One of whom had also been healed during the meeting. Awesome stuff!
The man had come in - a life-long tonsilitis sufferer, his glands were swollen and sore, and they went down when he was prayed for. Pain stopped. Straight away!
Continue to pray for these two new believers!
In the evening meeting there was another healing.
Some young lads had come into the meeting and were kidding about and joking with all that was going on as people worshipped. However, when the appeal for people to come and be healed went out, one of the boys stepped forward.
He had a stiff neck that was causing him pain. As he was prayed for the pain instantly left him! Come on!
He re-joined his friends, who all began to take things a little more seriously from this point on!
The boys left before the appeal was made, so be praying that they'll be back for Friday evening's meeting.
Park Life is continuing with meetings until Sunday:
Friday: 8pm, Saturday: 12pm and 8pm, Sunday: 10am.
Tell your friends and invite people along. There's a great vibe worshipping in the marquee, and there's loads of interest from passers-by.
This is a fantastic opportunity to be taking God's glory out into the heart of the communities in this city. And God is honouring the commitment of the Life Church members who are hosting the meetings.
Check back for more updates.
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Another dose of Testimonies.
We're still getting testimonies in from the meetings that happened at CBC; and there's a whole bunch from last monday's meeting from Central Hall.
'I came forward for prayer at the point in the meeting when you said “if there’s pain on your body come and get prayer” (or words to that effect). I had a great deal of pain so I knew I had to come and get some. My right shoulder was frozen since waking on Saturday morning and hadn’t really eased at all during weekend, I could look over my left shoulder but had no movement to the right as the pain in my neck was so bad and it felt like my head was stuck and physically unable to move to the right. To be honest, as I had received prayer for this kind of thing before and had no healing then, and because it was a temporary condition that should ease with time I was not expecting much. You had a word of knowledge that it was my right shoulder that was frozen and even at this point I didn’t think “I am going to be healed”. When you began to pray I felt a deep peace in my shoulder penetrating down in to the deep muscle like a finger poking right in there and touching me with peace. This was a bit of a surprise. Then suddenly I felt something more, like something I couldn’t feel was pushing me over and I was out in The Spirit. As I was laying there I remember saying go., go, go to the pain. Whilst on the floor I was aware my head was slowly moving to the right – I couldn’t do this myself because of the pain, but something was pushing my head. Gradually, my head was turned right over and I felt the pain draining away as my head was being turned. This was a real surprise for me as I was not exactly expecting it to happen like this. My neck was frozen, you prayed then I could move it without pain. I was amazed, so was my wife and the people who had seen my difficulties during the weekend. It’s a miracle.
Praise God! Fantastic stuff is happening daily. People are being saved in the streets, healed of long-term afflictions, and short-term. God's Kingdom is real.
CLICK THIS - to read some more testimonies!
A Firestorm is coming to the UK
Here's a transcription of Bobby Connor's prophetic word from Lakeland, Florida (shown on June 9th at the Southampton meetings)
“There’ is going to be a Holy unstoppable fire! A Firestorm is coming to the UK. God says I’m going to send a firestorm to the UK, it won’t be stopped, it’s going to rage! God is going to bring a firestorm, we need to pray for the UK, I’m tired of smoke I want to see a fire, don’t you? God wants to do it. Here it is Malachi 3:1 ‘ The Lord you seek will suddenly come to His temple, He will come with a refiners fire’…
“Tell the people to keep their focus on Jesus, moving ever closer to Him and we will see that this move is a quintessential move of God, which means the perfect embodiment of something. He is going to bring this move into a place of maturity we have not seen before. The definition of Quintessential is - The removing of impurities, bringing to a place of maturity and perfection – that’s what God wants to do”
Park Life
This week, Life Church Southampton (led by Chris Kilby) have organised a Gospel Mission that will take place in a marquee in Palmerston Park, by the Bandstand. The aim of the mission is simply to preach the gospel and pray for the sick. There will be meetings at 12 noon and 8pm Thursday-Saturday, and a celebration on Sunday at 10am. Chris and his team are inviting all of us across the city to be part of these meetings, to take friends along and see God at work. This mission comes at a very significant time as we are seeing God at work in power across our city and the world, and we really want to get behind these guys and pray that God’s kingdom will come as they step out in faith.
Park Life : Gospel Mission : 19th-22nd June : Palmerston Park
Friday, 13 June 2008
A roar of agreement went up all around the hall. Some 600 people turned up to the first outpouring meeting at Central Hall, and they were eager.
Eager to meet with the Living God. Eager to worship alongside their brothers and sisters from across the city, across the churches, across the denominations. There were no labels of belonging, no stamps of ownership; none other than the unanimous - BODY OF CHRIST.
Billy Kennedy began the proceedings reminding everyone of the FIRE procedures (!) and opening the evening in prayer, before Simon Orton came to bring an opening word.
'I saw a picture of a large eagle hovering over the city of Southampton with its wings outstretched. Under one wing was written the word ‘Liberty’ and under the other wing was written ‘Life’. In its talons, the eagle held a scroll, which I knew was the gospel.
I felt that God had supernaturally removed the shame and rubbish from our city, not because of anything we had done or were doing but because He has chosen to do so. And He is bringing the city into a new season of Liberty and Life, the atmosphere has been changed supernaturally.'
Prophetic Word – Simon Orton, 02/06/08 (shared at SCN Prayer Meeting)
(Scripture that God gave in connection with this word: Zechariah 5:5-15, Malachi 4:1-3)
When the music started the floor of the building filled with a mass of bubbling people; swaying, trembling, some leaping - and raising their praises to Almighty God.
Steve Lee gave personal testimony of his time out in Lakeland at the Revival meetings, and the impact that the impartation has had since he returned to the UK. And then Alun Leppitt began to share.
He encouraged a response from those in the congregation that wanted to know Christ - there were takers! I encourage you to pray for these new brothers and sisters as they take their baby steps in new life.
Alun also went on to share just what all of this outpouring stuff; this move of God was all about. A wise move - previous meetings had only been able to accommodate numbers sub-300; that was now more than doubled - and no doubt there were new faces to this meeting. It was also important to remind everyone that while all the healing accounts are amazing, the resurrections, awesome; and the salvations cause for a party - they are simply signs that point to the Father.
Simple point: If we stop at the signs - and raise them up and don't acknowledge God - we have become idolators. Religious fanatics seeking the thrill of miracles.
Miracles are amazing, astounding, gob-smacking: but they are pointers.
So what do they point to? - God. Ok, what is He up to?
God is outpouring His Glory, manifesting His Glory among us and that brings all the bounty of His Kingdom with it - where there is no sickness, no death and no unbelief.
'unbelief in heaven sounds like "blah, blah, blah" - there's no interpretation for unbelief' - observed Alun.
And God is doing this to remind us of our Identity. We are His children. Loved, cherished, Fathered.
Who's Your daddy?
The congregation watched a clip of Randy Clarke speaking and praying at the Lakeland meetings (as shown on God TV) . And that, together with the message Alun brought, and tying in with Simon Orton's opening prayers, and Steve's testimony came the heart of God's promise for these days.
A chosen generation - free of fear and shame.
We will be meeting once again in Central Hall this coming Monday at 7:30pm. Come expectant, come willing. Come with faith. To quote Bill Johnson, 'Faith is where Heaven and Earth kiss' - If you want to see the Kingdom of God breaking loose throughout your lives, and this city then it will take faith. Just ponder what Jesus meant when he said 'The Kingdom of God is at hand' - where is your hand?
Please share your testimonies with us. We will post them up on this site, and we are hoping to use them at the Monday meetings for the edification of the body. To raise faith. To remind us to trust God - who can come in great power once again.
Keep praying for your friends and colleagues. Keep pressing in to God. Get in the fire, be burning ones - on fire, but not consumed.
Peace be with you.
Thursday, 12 June 2008
A Testimony [amended]
This came through on the 10th of June:
I have been to three recent Bridge Fellowship healing meetings and have received significant healing at two of them. The first occurrence happened when Donna felt lead by the Holy Spirit to ask the congregation to place their hand on a part of their body which they knew needed healing. My shoulder had been solid as a rock for 4 weeks but as I prayed my shoulder completely released and has remained so. Yesterday at home I slipped a joint in my back and the whole of the right side of my back went into spasm. This was massively painful and something I have suffered from on and off for most of my life. The effects of these episodes normally lasts 2 - 3 weeks. Even breathing meant I suffered excruciating pain I stayed flat on my back for most of the day rigged in a back brace, but was determined to get to the service to meet with Jesus. After prayer my back was considerably better and the pain was much less. During the rest of the evening I felt small needle like pains in my back which I thought was my back tightening up again but it was actually becoming more and more released. Today I am able to move about with total freedom.
(A blog report from Monday's meeting is coming soon....)
Sunday, 8 June 2008
One day to go
A quick reminder that the outpouring meetings are re-launching on Monday evening, Central Hall, 7:30pm.
And to be going on with... here's this:
"Two Mondays ago [26/5/08] at the breakthrough evening, my knee was healed during the service. I am a runner and to have bad knee ligaments was bad news. I met with God’s Holy Spirit who touched my knee. After the service I jogged back to the car. Praise God!!!
John Brodrick"
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Mid-week update
I really missed not having a meeting this past Monday, don't know about you! But it's only a few days until the Outpouring meetings are re-launched, in a bigger venue.
Keep inviting people along, make sure you arrive in plenty of time. And in the meantime, here are some testimonies from previous meetings.
The first is a very long and detailed account. It's very worthwhile reading as it details a lot of the experience and sensation associated with God's glory and healing power. Here are a few quotes from it:
"We walked into a church that was literally rockin... the church was on fire. it would have been hard for someone not to have been moved by the praise and worship alone."
"He asked me if I wanted the fire, I said, 'yes'. I felt him breathe at me and my knees wobbled a little. He asked again; again and I replied, 'yes' again. He breathed again and again my knees and legs wobbled uncontrollably beneath me. All I could do was pray. For the third time he asked and before I could reply he breathed out at me and the next thing I remember was someone putting my hands on my chest as I lay on the floor."
"Almost immediately the shoulder felt light, the pain and stiffness wasn't there. It didn't feel like any other part of my body."
"In every way I look at the night and the events surrounding it and I see 2 different people with different hang ups different ways they trusted or didn't know how to trust; in some ways didn't dare to trust. And afterwards, when they had committed so little and given what they could, they were graced and given so much more."
There's loads more in the full document - find it here. Read it and expect God, invite Him, to do the same in you.
Here is another testimony that we received this week:
"We have been both privileged & blessed to attend the recent “Breakthrough Meetings” hosted by BCF at Central Baptist Church. The sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit has been remarkable, confirmed by a packed congregation of some 300 each time & requiring the move to a larger venue (Central Hall). We have not observed such a hunger for God since we moved to Southampton some 25 years ago. We have no doubt that this is the beginning of a worldwide move of God of immense proportions & potential, & the answer to the prayers of many people over the decades.
God never promised that revival would come in the shape or size that we expected, so let us not miss it because of any preconceived ideas or expectations.
If you live within communicable distance of the city, we urge you to come to Southampton on Monday evenings with an open heart, not only to seek healing & God’s presence, but also to pray for God’s wider purposes to be achieved: that His Church will be united, that miracles will prevail & that multitudes will be brought into His Kingdom.
These are great days & we applaud Alun Leppitt & Bridge Fellowship for their faith & integrity in opening the doors of Southampton to this move of God.
David & Marie Damp"
Come on Monday the 9th of June to Central Hall. The meeting will start at 7:30. Come early to be sure of getting in. (Click for map)
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
I have been greatly blessed watching the Florida outpouring on TV and going to the outpourings at Dudley and The Bridge. In Dudley Trevor Baker released a word of knowledge calling depression to lift off. I started laughing uncontrollably and went to the front for prayer as I had been suffering from depression for two years and I felt a heaviness lift off me. Last night at The Bridge 26/05 I felt the Lord heal me from Tension/Stress Headaches during the worship!. I felt tingling in my head and a tension break praise the Lord, God is Awesome.
Keep on pressing in for more of what God is doing.
David Spelman 24 from Fair Oak, Eastleigh
Jasmine, my oldest daughter is deaf in her left ear but after she received prayer from Alun and co last night at the healing revival meeting at BCF she has gained partial hearing, praise God! She is very happy but would like to receive the ability to hear completely.
And finally, my sister - in - law received Jesus as her Lord, Saviour, Lover and King! Now that's a miracle, the greatest most beautiful miracle of all! Isn't he lovely wonderful majestic I could go on!!
Much love,
Yours in Him,
(These testimonies are from a longer account that is available here)
Final meeting in Central Baptist. Packed out again.
Monday 26th saw the third Outpouring meeting held in Central Baptist Church. Once again the building was packed out as people came together to join in praising God; with about half the number having come for the first time.
Alun Leppitt gave the safety anouncements saying, "In the event of a fire..... stand in it!"
Well, the fire came - the worship was vibrant and passionate and as Donna shared from the scriptures about Jesus - the man, the Saviour of mankind. She reminded us that this - all of this - points to Him; it is because of Him.
It is important to remember, that a manifestation of the Spirit is nothing if it doesn't bear fruit. If it stops with a person laughing, or crying and falling on the floor: it means nothing if Jesus is not Glorified.
So, bear fruit. If God has touched you with His glory, healed you, encouraged you - then tell people. Tell everyone! Tell anyone! That was the great commission that Jesus gave us - it is our duty. And it is our joy.
As people responded to words of knowledge and came forward for healing there was a tangible presence in the room - a combined expectation. The faith of the whole congregation to witness the Glory of God.
A young woman - who had been deaf in one ear since birth - began hearing! Her ear began to open up! Continue to pray for the completion of this healing.
The evening ended with everyone receiving an impartation - an invitation to get drenched in God's outpouring.
The next meeting will be held on June 9th - in Central Hall - where New Community Church meet. We are very grateful to Billy Kennedy and the New Community congregation for making this larger venue available for these meetings. We also wish to publicly thank David Masters and the Central Baptist congregation for allowing us to use CBC so far.
So tell your friends, tell everyone - lets fill Central Hall.
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
2 Meetings held; Blog site active; Healings, healings, healings!
Two revival meetings have already been held at Central Baptist Church, on Devonshire Road. The building hit capacity as soon as the worship began - both weeks.
There was a genuine hunger for the manifest presence of God. And the fire fell!
Testimonies are rolling in, and they will be posted up on this site as they arrive. Send them in - click the link on the right-hand side of the page.
To start things off, here are some testimonies that came through after the first meeting on 12/05/08
- This came through on the 13/05/08: "Yesterday night was amazing - my friend was healed of glandular fever, completely well and full of energy today! Praise God!!"
- A 92 year old lady received prayer because she wanted to be confident enough to routinely walk unaided. She walked around amidst the many people and then proceeded to do a 'Knees Up Mother Brown' - (it's a song apparently!)
- A middle-aged man received prayer for a 'glue ear' and testified to feeling a trickling of fluid on the inside of his head around the ear area. He believed the ear was draining. The next day it was completely healed!
- A middle-aged woman received prayer for knee pain and cartilage problems. She testified that the pain moved down her leg and then disappeared and that her cartilage felt spongy.
What's it all about?
This is a significant move of God as His glory becomes more and more intense in these days; and is the same fire that came to the disciples at Pentecost. Expect miracles to become common-place, everyday occurrences. Receive what God is doing - right now. It is freely given. Some blessings require hard-graft, fasting, striving. For this, you simply need to come to the fire and get in amongst the flames.
Bridge Christian Fellowship started hosting regular healing breakthrough meetings in Southampton on 12th May 2008 after Alun & Donna Leppitt visited the Florida Outpouring meetings in Lakeland. In 3 short weeks we outgrew our venue and were offered the use of Central Hall by Billy Kennedy and the team at New Community. These meetings are in the City for the City.
God is moving in the earth in powerful ways and we are thrilled to be a part of what He is doing in these days. Come and join the worship as we raise our praises to God. Come and be healed. Come get right with God. Share your stories of what God is doing. This is the news that will be making the headlines!
On this site, you will find details of upcoming meetings and testimonies - accounts of what God is doing in His people - in THIS city of Southampton. Every testimony is a declaration of what God has done and an invitation for God to do it again.
Please be encouraged to share your Testimonies and send your Prayer Requests. Sharing testimonies builds faith, because faith comes by hearing; they encourage us. So please be aware that if you submit a testimony that it will be posted upon this site, and will be shared amongst many people. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, then please state it in your email. Prayer requests will not be published here.
Everywhere Jesus went He called people to change the way they think because the Kingdom of God is at hand. We believe that Kingdom is right here, right now and our role is to demonstrate it through a life lived with passion and purpose. Our heart's desire is to follow Jesus, to become like Him and do the stuff He did.
So, "all who are thirsty, come to the waters..." (Isaiah 55)
Bridge Christian Fellowship is a member of Randy Clark’s apostolic network of Global Awakening and the Southampton Christian Network.