Sunday, 22 June 2008

Park Life: Friday and Saturday round-up

Friday lunchtime's meeting presented 6 more salvations - which is truly fantastic.
And the evening had 5 more.
Saturday lunchtime saw another 5 people coming to know Father God, and then Saturday evening brought 1 more. And there was also a person healed of severe head-aches.

Praise God. His mercy and love endure forever. The Bible tells us there is a party in heaven when someone comes to God. And we see it in the 'Prodigal Son' story - there is a great party when the son returns.

So let us celebrate these new brothers and sisters in faith. Pray for them as they get to know their Father, and that they would find a church family to be a part of.

There's a genuine hunger for God amongst the people of Southampton, and this week Life Church have been meeting them in the centre of town. This isn't about numbers. It isn't a statistics game. The numbers are only offered here to give note to the fact that when people hear the gospel - they respond. This is a proof that people are wanting more than life has previously offered. People want to know Father God - the Father who sent His Son to die in our place, to pay the price for our sin. And why? - So that He could have relationship with us, so that we wouldn't have to be bound in a religious observance in countering the consequences of sin. In Jesus' sacrifice God's wrath was fully satisfied. In Jesus' resurrection we can know God, the still-small voice and the mighty thunder, we can know HIM. Personally.

Friday, 20 June 2008

Park Life: Thursday Update

Two meetings were held down in Palmerston Park at the Band Stand, one at 12 noon, and one at 8 in the evening.

At the lunchtime meeting there were two people who responded to the gospel message. One of whom had also been healed during the meeting. Awesome stuff!

The man had come in - a life-long tonsilitis sufferer, his glands were swollen and sore, and they went down when he was prayed for. Pain stopped. Straight away!

Continue to pray for these two new believers!

In the evening meeting there was another healing.
Some young lads had come into the meeting and were kidding about and joking with all that was going on as people worshipped. However, when the appeal for people to come and be healed went out, one of the boys stepped forward.

He had a stiff neck that was causing him pain. As he was prayed for the pain instantly left him! Come on!

He re-joined his friends, who all began to take things a little more seriously from this point on!

The boys left before the appeal was made, so be praying that they'll be back for Friday evening's meeting.

Park Life is continuing with meetings until Sunday:
Friday: 8pm, Saturday: 12pm and 8pm, Sunday: 10am.

Tell your friends and invite people along. There's a great vibe worshipping in the marquee, and there's loads of interest from passers-by.

This is a fantastic opportunity to be taking God's glory out into the heart of the communities in this city. And God is honouring the commitment of the Life Church members who are hosting the meetings.

Check back for more updates.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Another dose of Testimonies.

We're still getting testimonies in from the meetings that happened at CBC; and there's a whole bunch from last monday's meeting from Central Hall.

'I came forward for prayer at the point in the meeting when you said “if there’s pain on your body come and get prayer” (or words to that effect). I had a great deal of pain so I knew I had to come and get some. My right shoulder was frozen since waking on Saturday morning and hadn’t really eased at all during weekend, I could look over my left shoulder but had no movement to the right as the pain in my neck was so bad and it felt like my head was stuck and physically unable to move to the right. To be honest, as I had received prayer for this kind of thing before and had no healing then, and because it was a temporary condition that should ease with time I was not expecting much. You had a word of knowledge that it was my right shoulder that was frozen and even at this point I didn’t think “I am going to be healed”. When you began to pray I felt a deep peace in my shoulder penetrating down in to the deep muscle like a finger poking right in there and touching me with peace. This was a bit of a surprise. Then suddenly I felt something more, like something I couldn’t feel was pushing me over and I was out in The Spirit. As I was laying there I remember saying go., go, go to the pain. Whilst on the floor I was aware my head was slowly moving to the right – I couldn’t do this myself because of the pain, but something was pushing my head. Gradually, my head was turned right over and I felt the pain draining away as my head was being turned. This was a real surprise for me as I was not exactly expecting it to happen like this. My neck was frozen, you prayed then I could move it without pain. I was amazed, so was my wife and the people who had seen my difficulties during the weekend. It’s a miracle.



Praise God! Fantastic stuff is happening daily. People are being saved in the streets, healed of long-term afflictions, and short-term. God's Kingdom is real.

CLICK THIS - to read some more testimonies!

A Firestorm is coming to the UK

Here's a transcription of Bobby Connor's prophetic word from Lakeland, Florida (shown on June 9th at the Southampton meetings)

“There’ is going to be a Holy unstoppable fire! A Firestorm is coming to the UK. God says I’m going to send a firestorm to the UK, it won’t be stopped, it’s going to rage! God is going to bring a firestorm, we need to pray for the UK, I’m tired of smoke I want to see a fire, don’t you? God wants to do it. Here it is Malachi 3:1 ‘ The Lord you seek will suddenly come to His temple, He will come with a refiners fire’…

“Tell the people to keep their focus on Jesus, moving ever closer to Him and we will see that this move is a quintessential move of God, which means the perfect embodiment of something. He is going to bring this move into a place of maturity we have not seen before. The definition of Quintessential is - The removing of impurities, bringing to a place of maturity and perfectionthat’s what God wants to do

Park Life

This week, Life Church Southampton (led by Chris Kilby) have organised a Gospel Mission that will take place in a marquee in Palmerston Park, by the Bandstand. The aim of the mission is simply to preach the gospel and pray for the sick. There will be meetings at 12 noon and 8pm Thursday-Saturday, and a celebration on Sunday at 10am. Chris and his team are inviting all of us across the city to be part of these meetings, to take friends along and see God at work. This mission comes at a very significant time as we are seeing God at work in power across our city and the world, and we really want to get behind these guys and pray that God’s kingdom will come as they step out in faith.

Park Life : Gospel Mission : 19th-22nd June : Palmerston Park

Friday, 13 June 2008


A roar of agreement went up all around the hall. Some 600 people turned up to the first outpouring meeting at Central Hall, and they were eager.

Eager to meet with the Living God. Eager to worship alongside their brothers and sisters from across the city, across the churches, across the denominations. There were no labels of belonging, no stamps of ownership; none other than the unanimous - BODY OF CHRIST.

Billy Kennedy began the proceedings reminding everyone of the FIRE procedures (!) and opening the evening in prayer, before Simon Orton came to bring an opening word.

'I saw a picture of a large eagle hovering over the city of Southampton with its wings outstretched. Under one wing was written the word ‘Liberty’ and under the other wing was written ‘Life’. In its talons, the eagle held a scroll, which I knew was the gospel.

I felt that God had supernaturally removed the shame and rubbish from our city, not because of anything we had done or were doing but because He has chosen to do so. And He is bringing the city into a new season of Liberty and Life, the atmosphere has been changed supernaturally.'
Prophetic Word – Simon Orton, 02/06/08 (shared at SCN Prayer Meeting)

(Scripture that God gave in connection with this word: Zechariah 5:5-15, Malachi 4:1-3)

When the music started the floor of the building filled with a mass of bubbling people; swaying, trembling, some leaping - and raising their praises to Almighty God.

Steve Lee gave personal testimony of his time out in Lakeland at the Revival meetings, and the impact that the impartation has had since he returned to the UK. And then Alun Leppitt began to share.

He encouraged a response from those in the congregation that wanted to know Christ - there were takers! I encourage you to pray for these new brothers and sisters as they take their baby steps in new life.

Alun also went on to share just what all of this outpouring stuff; this move of God was all about. A wise move - previous meetings had only been able to accommodate numbers sub-300; that was now more than doubled - and no doubt there were new faces to this meeting. It was also important to remind everyone that while all the healing accounts are amazing, the resurrections, awesome; and the salvations cause for a party - they are simply signs that point to the Father.

Simple point: If we stop at the signs - and raise them up and don't acknowledge God - we have become idolators. Religious fanatics seeking the thrill of miracles.
Miracles are amazing, astounding, gob-smacking: but they are pointers.

So what do they point to? - God. Ok, what is He up to?

God is outpouring His Glory, manifesting His Glory among us and that brings all the bounty of His Kingdom with it - where there is no sickness, no death and no unbelief.

'unbelief in heaven sounds like "blah, blah, blah" - there's no interpretation for unbelief' - observed Alun.

And God is doing this to remind us of our Identity. We are His children. Loved, cherished, Fathered.

Who's Your daddy?

The congregation watched a clip of Randy Clarke speaking and praying at the Lakeland meetings (as shown on God TV) . And that, together with the message Alun brought, and tying in with Simon Orton's opening prayers, and Steve's testimony came the heart of God's promise for these days.

A chosen generation - free of fear and shame.

We will be meeting once again in Central Hall this coming Monday at 7:30pm. Come expectant, come willing. Come with faith. To quote Bill Johnson, 'Faith is where Heaven and Earth kiss' - If you want to see the Kingdom of God breaking loose throughout your lives, and this city then it will take faith. Just ponder what Jesus meant when he said 'The Kingdom of God is at hand' - where is your hand?

Please share your testimonies with us. We will post them up on this site, and we are hoping to use them at the Monday meetings for the edification of the body. To raise faith. To remind us to trust God - who can come in great power once again.

Keep praying for your friends and colleagues. Keep pressing in to God. Get in the fire, be burning ones - on fire, but not consumed.

Peace be with you.

Thursday, 12 June 2008

A Testimony [amended]

This came through on the 10th of June:

I have been to three recent Bridge Fellowship healing meetings and have received significant healing at two of them. The first occurrence happened when Donna felt lead by the Holy Spirit to ask the congregation to place their hand on a part of their body which they knew needed healing. My shoulder had been solid as a rock for 4 weeks but as I prayed my shoulder completely released and has remained so. Yesterday at home I slipped a joint in my back and the whole of the right side of my back went into spasm. This was massively painful and something I have suffered from on and off for most of my life. The effects of these episodes normally lasts 2 - 3 weeks. Even breathing meant I suffered excruciating pain I stayed flat on my back for most of the day rigged in a back brace, but was determined to get to the service to meet with Jesus. After prayer my back was considerably better and the pain was much less. During the rest of the evening I felt small needle like pains in my back which I thought was my back tightening up again but it was actually becoming more and more released. Today I am able to move about with total freedom.


(A blog report from Monday's meeting is coming soon....)

Sunday, 8 June 2008

One day to go

A quick reminder that the outpouring meetings are re-launching on Monday evening, Central Hall, 7:30pm.

And to be going on with... here's this:

"Two Mondays ago [26/5/08] at the breakthrough evening, my knee was healed during the service. I am a runner and to have bad knee ligaments was bad news. I met with God’s Holy Spirit who touched my knee. After the service I jogged back to the car. Praise God!!!
John Brodrick"

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Mid-week update

I really missed not having a meeting this past Monday, don't know about you! But it's only a few days until the Outpouring meetings are re-launched, in a bigger venue.

Keep inviting people along, make sure you arrive in plenty of time. And in the meantime, here are some testimonies from previous meetings.

The first is a very long and detailed account. It's very worthwhile reading as it details a lot of the experience and sensation associated with God's glory and healing power. Here are a few quotes from it:

"We walked into a church that was literally rockin... the church was on fire. it would have been hard for someone not to have been moved by the praise and worship alone."

"He asked me if I wanted the fire, I said, 'yes'. I felt him breathe at me and my knees wobbled a little. He asked again; again and I replied, 'yes' again. He breathed again and again my knees and legs wobbled uncontrollably beneath me. All I could do was pray. For the third time he asked and before I could reply he breathed out at me and the next thing I remember was someone putting my hands on my chest as I lay on the floor."

"Almost immediately the shoulder felt light, the pain and stiffness wasn't there. It didn't feel like any other part of my body."

"In every way I look at the night and the events surrounding it and I see 2 different people with different hang ups different ways they trusted or didn't know how to trust; in some ways didn't dare to trust. And afterwards, when they had committed so little and given what they could, they were graced and given so much more."

There's loads more in the full document - find it here. Read it and expect God, invite Him, to do the same in you.

Here is another testimony that we received this week:

"We have been both privileged & blessed to attend the recent “Breakthrough Meetings” hosted by BCF at Central Baptist Church. The sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit has been remarkable, confirmed by a packed congregation of some 300 each time & requiring the move to a larger venue (Central Hall). We have not observed such a hunger for God since we moved to Southampton some 25 years ago. We have no doubt that this is the beginning of a worldwide move of God of immense proportions & potential, & the answer to the prayers of many people over the decades.

God never promised that revival would come in the shape or size that we expected, so let us not miss it because of any preconceived ideas or expectations.

If you live within communicable distance of the city, we urge you to come to Southampton on Monday evenings with an open heart, not only to seek healing & God’s presence, but also to pray for God’s wider purposes to be achieved: that His Church will be united, that miracles will prevail & that multitudes will be brought into His Kingdom.

These are great days & we applaud Alun Leppitt & Bridge Fellowship for their faith & integrity in opening the doors of Southampton to this move of God.

David & Marie Damp"

Come on Monday the 9th of June to Central Hall. The meeting will start at 7:30. Come early to be sure of getting in. (Click for map)

What's it all about?

God is pouring out His glory on the world, there are reports of healing - blind eyes seeing, deaf ears hearing, lame walking and dead people waking up!

This is a significant move of God as His glory becomes more and more intense in these days; and is the same fire that came to the disciples at Pentecost. Expect miracles to become common-place, everyday occurrences. Receive what God is doing - right now. It is freely given. Some blessings require hard-graft, fasting, striving. For this, you simply need to come to the fire and get in amongst the flames.

Bridge Christian Fellowship started hosting regular healing breakthrough meetings in Southampton on 12th May 2008 after Alun & Donna Leppitt visited the Florida Outpouring meetings in Lakeland. In 3 short weeks we outgrew our venue and were offered the use of Central Hall by Billy Kennedy and the team at New Community. These meetings are in the City for the City.

God is moving in the earth in powerful ways and we are thrilled to be a part of what He is doing in these days. Come and join the worship as we raise our praises to God. Come and be healed. Come get right with God. Share your stories of what God is doing. This is the news that will be making the headlines!

On this site, you will find details of upcoming meetings and testimonies - accounts of what God is doing in His people - in THIS city of Southampton. Every testimony is a declaration of what God has done and an invitation for God to do it again.

Please be encouraged to share your Testimonies and send your Prayer Requests. Sharing testimonies builds faith, because faith comes by hearing; they encourage us. So please be aware that if you submit a testimony that it will be posted upon this site, and will be shared amongst many people. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, then please state it in your email. Prayer requests will not be published here.

In these days we are witnessing transformation by the fire and power of the Holy Spirit. God's amazing grace and mercy is manifest amongst us and people are being healed, delivered and set free. In his presence His unchanging love is touching hearts and lives, through passionate worship and encounter.

Everywhere Jesus went He called people to change the way they think because the Kingdom of God is at hand. We believe that Kingdom is right here, right now and our role is to demonstrate it through a life lived with passion and purpose. Our heart's desire is to follow Jesus, to become like Him and do the stuff He did.

So, "all who are thirsty, come to the waters..." (Isaiah 55)

Bridge Christian Fellowship is a member of Randy Clark’s apostolic network of Global Awakening and the Southampton Christian Network.